Custom Photo Collage Poster Personalised Picture Print A1 A2 A3 A4 Grid Style, Can Be Framed

Create stunning collage poster prints from your most cherished photos. Fast + FREE Dispatch
A preview will be sent to your email for you to confirm you are happy with positioning.
Once you receive your preview just let us know if you wish to make any changes, or if you are happy to print.
The arrangement of the photos on the poster are in a Grid style which is more Uniform than the Scattered style.
- Printed on premium quality satin-finish photo paper to create a professional sheen without too much glare.
- Perfect for any living space - home, office, event or as a gift.
- Arrives ready to be framed. (Please note: These posters do not come with a frame & are not laminated).
Our limit per order is no more than 40 photos. However, The actual number of photos to use depends how large or small you want photos to look on the finished print.
We recommend 6-8 photos max for the A4 (30 x 21 cm), and between 15-25 photos max for A1 (84 x 59 cm).
Please bear in mind we cannot be held responsible if you feel the photos are too large or small on the poster once it arrives. We recommend using a tape measure to get an idea of the size of poster you are ordering, this will give a good idea of the size each photo will appear.
If you are not sure, please contact us before ordering and we will be happy to help.